
3,000+ CEFR Graded Readers in PPTx, PDF and Video

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Tom The Cat. Daily Routines.

Adverbs Of Time.

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Gestures. Communication. Paralinguistics.

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Steve Jobs. Biography. Technology. Life Story.

Why Extensive Reading?

Evidence Based

Students who read for pleasure make rapid gains in English proficiency, especially in terms of reading and vocabulary skills (Nation, 2011)


Our readers aren't the staid, dull readers like those from big publishers. Written in short, picture contextualized form, they show moving "gif" images that attract and keep students engaged and reading more ...


Students read what interests them and this key factor is very important in language acquisition. Learning In Depth. Reading aligned with students interests keeps students improving their literacy level and keeps them on task. Our wide selection means students can find readers on almost any topic of interest.

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